You can smash the window of the shop to gain access to this toy. Make your way to the gas station, and then look across the street to spot a store called Klasse Spielzeug. The sixth toy that players can find scattered throughout the missions in Wolfenstein 2 can be found during the Roswell: Downtown Uberkommandant mission. Head into the basement and look for the toy sitting on the desk behind where you find the Uberkommandant. The Flying Saucer can be found during the Manhattan: State Building Uberkommandant mission. Once inside of the mission, look for a subway car along the way to the Uberkommandant’s location, and then pass through a small tunnel into the car and grab this item off the floor of the subway car to acquire it. The fourth toy can be found after you unlock the Manhattan: Subway Uberkommandant mission. You’ll only be able to enter this area after you unlock the Uberkommandant mission for this level, but once you unlock it, return to the area and check the subway car off in that area to the right to find this toy.

Max’s third toy can be found in a secluded area to the right of the second subway area that you explore during the Manhattan mission. Look for the toy in front of a boarded-up window. The toy is located inside of the same building as the Uberkommandant, on the third floor. You can find Max’s ball during the Uberkommandant mission that takes place in the Harbor District of Manhattan. Now check inside of the Basement Level 4 area, where you’ll find the toy tucked behind several crates. Once you spawn into the mission, head to the further area of the map from the spawn area. The first of Max’s Toys can be found during the Manhattan Bunker mission in the Enigma Machine. As we stated in our opening, some of these toys will be hidden inside of the Uberkommandant missions, which you can learn more about in our guide on how to use the Enigma Machine. We’ll also provide the name of each toy, as well as talk about which area you’ll find it located in. We’ll break down their location below in the order that you’d find them as you complete the main campaign mission. There are a total of fifteen of Max’s Toys strewn throughout the various missions and levels in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.